Our Rhythm and Routine
Rhythm & Routine
8:00 am - 8:30 am
Families arrive and children have free play to settle in for the day.
Preschool gates are locked and children have uninterrupted Free Play.
9:00 am
Morning Circle
9:10 am
Shared Morning Tea
9:30 am
Morning Activity (Bread Baking, Water Colour Painting, Beeswax Modeling +more).
10:00 am
Outside Free Play
10:50 am
Hand Washing
Lunch Time.
11:30 am - 11:45am
Sleep / Rest Time (older children lay down and rest their bodies for 30 minutes before having quiet play until the other children wake up).
2:00 pm
Most children are awake, free outside quiet play.
Shared Afternoon Tea.
3:00 pm- 3:20 pm
Gate is unlocked.
Shared Afternoon Tea.
3:20pm - 4:15pm
Free Outside Play.
4:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Late Snack
5:00 pm
Preschool Closed.
Please Note:
* Families are welcome to pick up from 3:00 pm onwards.
* Extended hours are available upon request of families.